About Us
History of the West Alabama Heritage Learning Center
Our Story
The late Marvin L. Harper, local historian and preservationist, had a dream of establishing a facility where children could learn about the history of West Alabama. He envisioned a place where written records, stories and heritage could be preserved and passed on to seceding generations.
The Shirley Place Foundation Inc., a tax-exempt 501c 3 organization, was created to oversee the building and management of a learning center. The board solicited funds and purchased a beautifully restored early 1900s house at 911 Main Avenue, opening to the public in 2016. Field trips and tours were made available in 2018.
In 2024, The Friends of Historic Northport, Inc. acquired WAHLC in an effort to streamline and consolidate community efforts to maintain the historical and educational efforts of multiple organizations.
The source of the many documents, records and other research materials donated to WAHLC are part of the collections of Marvin Harper, Lackey Stephens, Carl Adams, Marie Rushing, Maggie Sudduth, and others. These sources helped to complete the vision and purpose of our facility. WAHLC welcomes additional collections of local history, both written and oral, from any member of the community.

Portrait of Marvin Harper
West Alabama Heritage Learning Center

Our Research Library